SEO articles

Proof Read Your Article Twice – SEO Tips # 359

When you have finished writing your article make sure that you proof read it at least twice, then set it aside for a day or two, so that you can go over it again when you are in a different frame of mind. That way you can view it as though you were the reader and this can help […]

Article Marketing Tips – Variety of Articles

There is a lot of variety in article marketing. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you have an interesting story that somehow taught you something of value, well… people have been telling their stories since the beginning of time. Telling a story or sharing your personal experience can be a great way to encourage your reader

SEO Tips # 229 – Content Creation in SEO

In your last or current project, are you creating content that your visitor will be GLAD that they found? It’s good to examine our own work from time to time. Give it some thought and be brutally honest with yourself. Are you creating that immediately assists in filling a specific search for information. Content of true merit. Something useful.

How does writing articles not run into the problem with duplicate content?

Articles are the same as news. They come under the rules that apply to “syndicated content.” They are both 100% white hat and search engines understand that both articles and news are created for the purpose of “syndication.” Genuine articles are “written” to be published across many Web sites and they will never be penalized for duplicate content.

SEO Tips # 219 – SEO Content Creation

When working on your content remember to “flesh it out” in the re-write process with a few additional synonyms of your focused keyword phrase. You want your article highly focused on your topic, but it should not sound Spamy with the same keywords repeatedly used in an un-natural way. Google loves to see synonyms and antonyms and descriptive related

SEO Tips # 201 – Adding the new content

Remember the ultimate way to add new content, articles and focused information is on a regular, consistent basis. For example rather than dumping 8 new articles on your site all at once, try to publish them in cycles of one new article each week or even one new article every two or three days. Make

SEO Tips #61 – Article Marketing

Source : John ( SearchEngineWorkshops) I am posting this reply that I sent to one of our readers recently as their seems to be a lot of confusion about duplicate content penalties. ———Letter—————– Dear John, How does writing articles not run into the problem with duplicate content? Signed, (Name withheld) Dear Reader, Please let me

SEO Tip #13 – Article Marketing

Here’s a tip if you are looking for easy ways to build descriptive link reputation, gain new visitors and traffic that is 100% white hat. Article Marketing Article Marketing the correct way it should be done, has huge advantages over other types of link building because it has full benefit of being seen as 100% white hat, which it