Article Writing Tips – Give More Examples for Readers – SEO Tips # 360

Always remember that People like examples.

One of the best ways to get a particular point across to your readers is to give them examples. Let them know how you and others have benefited from the information, product or service that you are writing about.

Explain in detail what effect it could have on their lives or businesses if they listen to what you have to say. Be helpful and informative. Never assume that your readers will just automatically make a connection, but be descriptive and spell it out so no guess work is required.

Try not to ever hype up your examples to much or they can end up sounding like a sales pitch instead of useful advise.


In time you will find that your readers can honestly get to know you through your writing. But in the beginning, don’t forget to reassure your reader.

When you are offering the solution to a problem in your article be sure to reassure your reader. Let them know that if they follow your advice they can not only solve the problem but they can also avoid it ever happening again in the future.

Some people when they first start writing, only write to sell. But you want your readers to know that you care and you don’t publish things just to try and make a quick buck.

Again use examples to tell them that everything worked out with the problem for yourself and others by using the same advise and reassure and that it will for them too.

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