Google Official Stats for Google’s Products

Here I have listed some interesting stats for Google’s Products found when i came across Google blog. Its officially announced by Google in their blogs,

Google Search – 1 billion users (September 2010), 100 billion searches per month (August 2012)

Google Maps – 1 billion monthly active users (June 2012)

YouTube – 1 billion unique users every month (March 2013)

Android – 900 million activations (May 2013)

Google Chrome – 750 million active users (May 2013)

Gmail – 425 million active users (June 2012)

Blogger – 300 million monthly visitors (September 2009)

Google Translate – 200 million monthly active users on (April 2012)

Google+ – 190 million active users in the stream, 390 million active users across Google (May 2013)


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