New Events Markup in Knowledge Graph

New Events in Knowledge Graph:

The Knowledge Graph is a knowledge base used by Google to enhance its search engine’s search results with semantic-search information gathered from a wide variety of sources. It provides structured and detailed information about the topic in addition to a list of links to other sites.  Last year, Google launched a new way for musical artists to list their upcoming events on Google: markup on their official websites. Now Google were added some features to the knowledge graph upcoming events in four ways:

  1. Official Ticket Links
  2. Delegated Event Listings
  3. Comedian Events
  4. Venue Events

Official Ticket Links

For artists: if you mark up ticketing links along with the events on your official website, Google show an expanded answer card for your events in Google search, including the on-sale date, availability, and a direct link to your preferred ticketing site.


Delegated Event Listings

If you can’t add markup or an event widget to your official website, you can use delegation markup to tell us to source your events from a page of your choice on another website. Just add the following markup to your home page, making sure to customize the three red underlined values:

<script type=”application/ld+json”>
{“@context” : “”,
“@type” : “MusicGroup”,
“name” : “Your Band or Performer Name”,
“url” : “”,
“event” : “”

The marked-up events found on the other event site’s page will then be eligible for Google events features.

Comedian Events

Do you want your favorite comedian performances to show up on Google, too. Just add ComedyEvent markup to your official website. Or, if another site has your complete event listings, use delegation markup on your home page to point Google their way.

Venue Events

Now Google started to show venue event listings in Google Search. Concert venues, theaters, libraries, fairgrounds, and so on, make your upcoming events eligible for display across Google by adding Event markup to your official website.

As with artist events, you have a choice of writing the event markup directly into your site’s HTML, or using a widget or plugin that builds in the markup for you. Also, if all your events are ticketed by a primary ticketer whose website provides markup, you don’t have to do anything! Google will read the ticketer’s markup and apply it toward your venue’s event listings.