Pinterest Marketing Techniques and Tips – Market Your Business Easily

Pinterest Marketing Tips and Techniques

Pinterest Marketing Techniques and Tips : 33 ways to market your business in

  1. Use your business name as your username or profile name on Pinterest.
  2. Describe your business and interest in “About” Sections.
  3. Connect with your Facebook and Twitter accounts and share the information.
  4. Add your website URL in your profile.
  5. Pin lots of stuff and categories.
  6. Start creative and interesting board names.
  7. Tag your pins by using “@username” in your descriptions.
  8. Comment on other people’s pins.
  9. “Like” other people’s great pins.
  10. Pin from lots of different sources and variety is important on Pinterest.
  11. Do lots of “repinning”, just like a Retweet on Twitter.
  12. Share your pin into your own blog posts.
  13. Pin videos.
  14. Add a description under your pin an image.
  15. Bookmark and share your pins to social media.
  16. Use Pinterest’s embed option to publish pins in your blog posts and website pages.
  17. Use Pinterest iPhone app.
  18. Optimize your website content for Pinterest.
  19. Create Pin for seasonal or holiday that related to your brand.
  20. Follow Me on Pinterest button.
  21. Use keywords in descriptions of pins, so pinners can find your images and boards when they do their own searches.
  22. Make sure you’ve got a Pin It! button added to the footer of each of your blog posts so your readers can quickly and easily share your content on Pinterest.
  23. Your Pinterest page has its own RSS feed
  24. Create your own Pinterest shop.
  25. Pin tutorials on your boards.
  26. Integrate your Pinterest account with Facebook’s timeline.
  27. Connect your clients Pinterest
  28. Create boards for the classes and webinars you teach and present yourself.
  29. Create boards for referral sources, affiliates and strategic partners.
  30. Use client stories as Pinterest boards
  31. Create coupons and add them to your boards.
  32. Offer exclusive Pinterest promotions.
  33. Run a Pinterest contest.

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