Have you got a few pages that still need some help? I’m talking about pages you’ve been working on, but they’ve just been giving you a few challenges in the rankings for some reason or other and you’re not happy with them.
Why not look back and review the last changes you made on them and make one more single variation in just one of the influential relevancy factors? Don’t make too many changes – try to just make one important change only. Be sure to record it in your log as well as record the rankings with the date of your entry.
Do NOT submit or re-submit your page using any free ADD URL. But let the robots come back and find the changes (based on their own schedule.) If you are not sure how often the robot is coming back to visit, you can use Robot Manager to find out.
TIP: Little changes (one at a time only) can make a HUGE difference in a measured exercise where you record your details and review progress systematically.