SEO Tips #34 – Contents And SEO

Let’s give you a few tips on content and SEO. So many times people
feel somewhat limited by their research options and often go after
keywords for the same types of content that everyone else is after.
Here are 5 Tips from Robin Nobles to get you thinking about other
useful content you could put on your Web site after you do the

1. Online planners or reminders.
Example: wedding or baby sites; diet sites. Hunting sites could use
them for the different seasons in different states. Have the ability
to print out the information.

2. Quizzes. People LOVE to take online quizzes. Be sure to respond
to everyone who takes the quiz with more information about your
online business. How could a software company use an online quiz?

3. Glossary of terms for your industry. Continue to flesh it out as
you think of new terms.

4. Humor.
Is your industry conducive to humor? Let’s take the legal industry.
Lawyer jokes are quite plentiful, to say the least. What if a
down-to-earth lawyer put up a page with lawyer jokes on his site?
Would that make his site unprofessional, or would that help his
customers feel like he would be the type of guy they could really
relate to? Think about it.

5. Create a new “high interest” page by researching a topic that
you have never before identified that would be useful to your
specific buying audience. If you are selling to retail products to
ladies, is there a complimentary product or even an affiliate
product that you could also sell to their daughters.

Example: if you had a Writers Web site of interest to women, could
you offer a special type of fun diary type product that they could
buy for their daughters?

Thank you for these tips Robin. Excellent stuff!