SEO Tips #42 – Tips for New Twitter

The first 3 things to do if you’re new to Twitter are:

1. Upload your author photo. Profiles without photos are lame.
2. Upload your 140 character author bio.
3. Engage & become involved in the conversation that is Twitter.

This is the fastest way to attract Followers to your Twitter profile.

Now every time you submit a new article and it gets published, your
followers will be auto-updated on Twitter.

OTHER GREAT Article Resources: (if you enjoy writing your own
original content)

is very good for traffic.

Another excellent article directory that is still fairly new, is
and they have been
growing in leaps and bounds. They’re the ones that are sharing a
variety of income sharing and interesting promotional opportunities
with their authors.

Even if you are not using Twitter right now, I highly recommend
all of these busy article marketing directories. If you already
have articles published on then
Here is the simple “How To Get Started” instructions.