What is Alt Text? How Does It Help You To Rank Higher?

After your website construction, you will be spending time on blogging, constructing titles and meta description then the next step is optimizing your images which indirectly adding alt text to the images.

What is the use of the alt text?

Alt Text can be also referred to as alt tag or alt description, they usually appear in the place of the image on the website when the images fail to load. They also help your image to rank higher in Google.

The search engine uses the alt text to understand the image and proves to be good for SEO.

We are going to discuss some of the important points while creating the alt text.

  • Try to describe the image in simple words and be specific in it.
  • Don’t frame too long keywords try to keep it short.
  • Do not use your main keywords too frequently in all the images of the website use them sparingly.
  • Try to be specific to the point.
  • Never do keyword stuffing in the alt text.

As you think it may not be visible to our eyes but they help search engine to understand your images and index them.

One of the points to be considered while constructing alt tags is that we can use the phrase like “image of” or “picture of” while starting because this shows that you are referring to the image.

Most of the time alt text has been left unnoticed and efforts were not been taken to optimize the images. But it is one of the important steps in on-page optimization to make your web-page SEO friendly.