Why Does Your Company Need Social Network

 Social network has become the inevitable part of our daily life. It serves as a meeting point and as a platform for people to get together, share images, videos, sharing comments and many more. After the introduction of social media like Face book, Twitter and LinkedIn it created an opportunity to us to get to know new people and get more contacts to us for both professional and personal use.

Social Networking Sites

Importance of Social Media:

According to the recent study it has been found that if face book is announced as a country it will be the third largest country in the world. It has that much users and it have mingled with our life style. It can be your new marketing tool.

We should learn from the study that Twitter is adding some 300 thousand users daily and it is the apt place for your product marketing since 75% of online adults are roaming in the social networking sites we are talking about. We should also consider that 75% of product brand likes come from their advertisements.

Boost your SEO: If you have active account in various social network pages, it will help you to get higher rank in Google. It is a good sign for your business to find new clients.

Cost Effective: As you can post your new product launch and special offers in your social network itself it is cost effective compare to the other paid campaigns. You can even post your job postings in your LinkedIn profile.

Good Reach: By putting your logo and your products in your social network pages like face book and Twitter you can make the customer aware of your product and it creates a huge reach among customers for your brand. It is the easy and the quick way to get maximum reach.

Get to know your customers: It is the place where the customers express their views and give comments so that, we can access what they think about us. By these, we can understand the current trends and what are their wants and needs. We can re structure our business according to that.

Become Loyal: Always customers like the brands that respond to their queries and complaints. If someone tweets you a question or a complaint put your maximum effort to reply that. Then, they feel acknowledged and then after they trust you and even refer you for others.