Get to Know About Types of SEO

In many blogs and articles, you would have come across the term search engine optimization or SEO. Now in this blog as a next step, we are going to discuss types of SEO and how to succeed in it.

Traditional Types of SEO for Business

On-Page SEO

All the efforts that you put to make changes on your webpage to rank higher on the search engine results page fall under On-page SEO.

On-page SEO includes,

  • Keywords
  • H1 Tag
  • Effective title tags
  • Meta Description
  • Giving Alt tags to the images
  • Quality Content
  • Design and usability

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO includes all the efforts taken by you to make the changes outside your website to rank higher on the search engine.

Off-page SEO includes,

  • Link building
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Positive reviews from an online forum

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the term that is used to describe the optimization of the backend of your website which helps in better ranking.

Technical SEO includes,

  • XML sitemap
  • Crawling
  • Structured data
  • Page speed optimization

Additional Types of SEO

White hat SEO

White hat SEO exactly fits the guidelines given by the Google algorithm. They work according to the Google guidelines.

They include,

  • High-quality content & Keyword research.
  • HTML optimization
  • Sharing on social media

Black Hat SEO

They generally work based on the small loopholes in the Google algorithm to rank higher.

Some of the facts that fall under black hat SEO includes,

  • Keyword stuffing
  • Link spamming
  • Buying links and cloaking

Grey Hat SEO

It generally falls between white hat and black hat SEO. They help your site to grow at a faster rate. But sometimes it can lead to the negative effects on your website.

Some of the tactics include,

  • Clickbait articles
  • Spun content

These are some of the terms used while explaining the types of SEO. Clear understanding and deep knowledge on it will help you to build the best SEO strategy for your business.