Google Instant Previews – Benefits and How to Use

Recently,  Google  launched a new search feature Instant Previews that helps search user find information faster by showing a visual preview of each result.

Before that users determine the best results using the elements of the search results like the title, URL, and description in each result. Now, this instant preview feature find the best results by seeing the visual presentation.

Google Instant Previews

Google Instant Previews – Benefits

  • Quickly Compare Results
  • Pinpoint Relevant Content
  • Interact with the Results Page

How to make good use of  this feature:

  • Keep your pages clearly laid out and structured
  • Try to avoid interstitial pages, ad pop-ups, or other elements
  • Many pages have their previews generated as part of Google regular crawl process.
  • Instant Previews does not change Google search algorithm or ranking
  • If you are adding the nosnippet meta tag to your pages will cause them to not show a text snippet in the results.
  • URLs that have been disallowed in the robots.txt file will also not show Instant Previews.

For more information – Check Google Instant Previews