How to use Google Analytics Effectively for the Growth of your Website

You put so many efforts to bring your business to succeed and reach number one in the industry. Performance along with good result is important for your business to grow cent percent online.

Online Business are now a days preferred a lot by most of us, you have to measure your website’s effectiveness and analyze how good your online marketing is ending up.

This can be possible using Google Analytics, which is a free and a perfect place for all types of business owners to get started with their business online. Google provides you many guidance on using this google analytics effectively in brief.

Set up your Google Analytics based on your website. Your website may have different landing pages and will have different goals. You have to measure your data based on your goal. If you goal is to sell a product , then check how many of them have visited your page and how many purchases are being done, How many has left your page without buying it.

You may find lot of terms in Google Analytics, First understand deeply what they are meant for.

  • Visit: This will show up how many visits you have received so far and you can know how interactive the customers are to your site.
  • Unique Visitors: How many individuals visiting your website (If the same visitor is visiting again, it won’t be taken into count.)
  • Page Views: Each and every time a visitor visits your web page, it’s taken as a count. One visit may contain many page views.
  • New Visitors: If a person visits your web page for the first time.
  • Returning Visitors: The people who viewed and returned back in half due to some reasons.
  • Bounce Rate: If a visitor visits your website that contain many landing pages, if they just visited one page and returned back.
  • Pages Per Visit: If a visitors visits your web page and how many pages they view in a single visit.
  • Exit Page: The last page of your web page is the exit page, if your last page is contact form and if they fill up and send queries , then it’s a successful result.
  • Average time on site: A visitor visits your website and the average time the particular visitor spends on your website.
  • Traffic Sources: Direct traffic, Referring Sites and Search Engine are three different types of traffic sources.
  • Direct Traffic: People who type your URL literally and gain traffic.
  • Referring Sites: People may go to a site, click some link and reach your site.
  • Search Engine: People visited your website because they got your link in the search results.
  • Keywords: To improve your keyword rankings, google analytics show up these keywords.
  • Conversion Rate: The people who liked your business and converted them as your customers.

You can use your Google Analytics to

  1. Look for your Important Analytics at first.
  2. You may have many online campaigns for your business, you can check from which online campaign you are getting more traffic.
  3. Based on the location you can find your targeted audiences.
  4. You can check out what people are searching for on  your website.
  5. How many clicks you are getting for your internal links.
  6. You can know what are the landing pages that are not performing up to the mark.
  7. You can check for the keywords that people search for.

Apart from this there are many other advantages of Google Analytics that helps in the growth of your business. What do you think guys? What are the other things you learned from Google Analytics to improve your business online? Please share us your tricks and tips in the comment section below.