Mobile App Analytics Course begins Nov 18 2014 – Google Analytics Academy


Once you’ve built a mobile app, you’ll want to acquire new users, engage them regularly, and generate revenue. But how do you do that? Join us for a course on mobile app measurement to learn how Google Analytics data can help you make your app more discoverable and profitable.

In this course we’ll cover:

  • the foundations of mobile app analytics
  • how to measure user behavior in your app
  • how to find common traits for your users and attract more
  • how to use data to improve your monetization strategies

Check the FAQs for more details. Click Here to Register

Course Schedule

Pre-Course Survey

Unit 1 – Introduction to Mobile App Analytics

Assessment 1

Unit 2 – Attracting New Users

Assessment 2

Unit 3 – Measuring behavior

Assessment 3

Unit 4 – Increasing revenue

Assessment 4

Post-Course Survey

Course Glossary