New Tools for Business Pages @ FaceBook


Facebook is planned to introduce useful new buttons for business pages. Recently, Facebook announced the launch of call-to-action buttons for business pages and these buttons will roll out in the US over the next few weeks and worldwide next year. They also added that Pages are an important destination for people on Facebook, and we’re building new ways for people to interact with businesses through them.  These buttons are exclusively designed with the intention of directing visitors to your Facebook page towards your place.

Facebook introducing 7 new tools for Business Pages, they are Book Now, Contact Us, Use App, Play Game, Shop Now, Sign Up, Watch Video.

  • Book Now:To direct visitors to book a table at your restaurant or, a room in a hotel, or a similar kind of reservation.
  • Contact Us:You can likely use this to direct visitors to a contact form, or if you’re brave perhaps it could be a button to email you directly.
  • Use App:If your company has its own app this could be a button to open the app on your mobile device.
  • Play Game:If you’re a mobile app development company this could be a link to play your latest game.
  • Shop Now:Direct visitors to your e-commerce store.
  • Sign Up:Direct visitors to your mailing list sign up page, or a webinar sign up page, or something like that.
  • Watch Video:Pretty self explanatory, direct visitors to watch a video of your choice.

Facebook didn’t provide any further details beyond just the names of these buttons.