SEO Tip #13 – Article Marketing

Here’s a tip if you are looking for easy ways to build descriptive link reputation, gain new visitors and traffic that is 100% white hat.

Article Marketing

Article Marketing the correct way it should be done, has huge advantages
over other types of link building because it has full benefit of being seen as 100% white hat, which it is anyways.

Have you ever heard some marketer tell you that articles are  “duplicate content?”

Articles are NOT duplicate content and the next time someone suggests to you that they are, ask them why Yahoo and Google would have a Creative Commons area where they encourage you to publish other peoples work. Search Engines understand that articles (similar to news) is meant to be syndicated.

So where do your links go? Usually the best place is in the Bio which is a few sentences at the end of the article.

Here is an excellent place to get started: (It’s free)

Just sign up and you can be writing to a huge audience of business  entrepreneurs. The more you write, the higher you will rank and remember to use your all important keyword text within your bio links.