SEO Tips #50 – Value of Descriptive Text Within Links

We all know the value of using descriptive text within links.

Check your pages for opportunity to improve linking effectiveness internally by exploring those hidden little words that you can tend to use sometimes without thinking.

Although we know we need to use very descriptive verbs and phrases, there is often opportunity to improve if you really think to check.

For example try not to use terms within your links such as “Use”, “View” or “click here for more products.”

If you are referring to a phrase like “view the gallery” it is better than just a text link saying “view.”

But try and describe what is in the gallery too and you’ll define it even more.

For Example:

“View the home improvement gallery”
“View our wild bird feeder gallery”

On your product category pages, be sure you link to your individual pages with anchor text that truly contains more verbose descriptive terms that are genuinely meaningful.