List of Free & Paid Web Analytics Tools for a Savvy Digital Marketer

Having a Blog or website for your business is easy but tracking your customers, visits and analytics is a tedious process. But to make your work easier there are number of web analytics tools through which you can measure your company’s growth through number of visits, analytics and many more.

You will be also able to know what are the changes you can make to grab the targeted customers and grow your business effectively. Today in our blog we will check out how effectively you can use the web analytics tools to grow your business, also we will look for both free and paid web analytics tools.

As a Digital Marketer, both quality and quantity is important in the process you do in every technique.

What are the process you should focus on while using this web analytics tools?

  1. Set a goal, which means you should not only focus the number of people visiting your website, also you have to check whether the people who visits your website are turning as your customers. This will only bring you leads for your business.
  2. You may have different actions to perform on your website, focus on the particular action and grab customers according to the needs.
  3. If you guess that your customers are leaving you without turning into your customers, then check where the problem exists. Look for the pages with high exit rates using web analytic tools. After having a look of it, you would sort out the reason for the problem.
  4. Another important reason people leave your website is not having an user friendly website.
  5. The most common problems webmasters make while making a websites are they don’t check for the load speed of the page, if there are 404 errors in some of your web pages, they do not worry about their colour combination of web pages, not having social share buttons and their web pages does not have any contact details.
  6. So you should immediately fix all this problems for the improvement of your business.

List of Free Web Analytic Tools for your Business

I am just pointing out the free web analytics tool, you can check it for brief in search engines.

  1. Open Web Analytics
  2. Google Analytics(Freemium)
  3. Piwik
  4. Heap Analytics
  5. Clicky
  6. Woopra

List of Paid Web Analytic Tools for your Business

  1. Kissmetrics
  2. Mint
  3. Crazy Egg
  4. Mouse Flow
  5. Clicktale
  6. Google Analytics(Premium)

What can do this Free and Paid Web Analytics Tools so for you?

Based on how you use this web analytic tool, better the details gathered will be too. Here i have pointed out few important details this web analytics do for your website.

  1. Web Analytics tools will help you to know what type of keywords users are searching on search engines.
  2. Based on this you can choose the right keywords, You can know what keywords get clicked most and what keywords don’t get clicks, you will be able to create attentive content for the users.
  3. You will be able to know which of your contents are performing best and worst in search engines.
  4. Based on that you can redesign your content strategy.
  5. You can try different promotional methods and can use paid promotions for the extra boosting of traffic.
  6. You will be able to know why people are leaving your website through this web analytics tools.
  7. You may have created many online campaign for the success of your business, you will be able to know which online campaign is working and which is not.
  8. You will be able to know from which location more people are trying your product or brands, and you can target the location where your product  is not performing better.
  9. You can view on which device people are visiting , so you can support your product, brand or website in particular device too.
  10. To track ROI, Conversion tracking, data integration with ad-sense, report generation are all advantages you get through these free and paid web analytics tools.

So if you do run a business, never ignore these web analytics tools to check the improvement of your business. Your result of your business vary definitely between a ordinary marketer and a digital  marketer, i hope you to be Digital Marketer not an Ordinary Marketer.

If you have suggestion on this topic and if there are any steps to be added please convey us through the comment section below, you can also tell us what web analytics tools you are using in your business as a Savvy Digital Marketer for the success of your business.