how to

How to Create Google News Sitemap for Site Inclusion on Google News?

How to submit our news into Google News: 1. First you can ensure that our website is included in Google News. If it’s not included, you can request to Google – for included in Google News.  2. Create News Sitemap and submit into Google Webmasters Tools. The News Sitemap follows the Sitemap protocol, with additional of

SEO Performance Results formula..

Performing SEO the way you currently perform now, has delivered a certain result. So if your happy with that result, carry on exactly the same way and you should get very similar results. If you are not happy with your results lately, then you must consider changing the way you do things. Same action =

How does writing articles not run into the problem with duplicate content?

Articles are the same as news. They come under the rules that apply to “syndicated content.” They are both 100% white hat and search engines understand that both articles and news are created for the purpose of “syndication.” Genuine articles are “written” to be published across many Web sites and they will never be penalized for duplicate content.

SEO Tips #61 – Article Marketing

Source : John ( SearchEngineWorkshops) I am posting this reply that I sent to one of our readers recently as their seems to be a lot of confusion about duplicate content penalties. ———Letter—————– Dear John, How does writing articles not run into the problem with duplicate content? Signed, (Name withheld) Dear Reader, Please let me

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