SEO Tip #17 – SEO keyword Research

SEO TIP on Keyword Research: Always remember that no two keyword phrases ever perform exactly the same. Keywords do not perform the same within different industries. Even the same exact phrase can be easier or more difficult to optimize for, unless you take a variety of things into consideration. Search engines grade on a curve.

SEO Tip #16 – Natural Language Processing(NLP)

Here is a tip that I came across (in the form of an interview) One of the things it seems more and more people are becoming aware of (as compared to only a few years ago) is how the search engines are using Artificial Intelligence or (AI) for Natural Language Processing or (NLP.) Here is

SEO Tip #15 – Keyword Research (KEI)

For today’s SEO Tip I wanted to share a Q & A on Keyword Research: Question: Can you tell me how a phrase that has no competing pages can have such a low KEI. I have found many phrases that have a low KEI and little or no competing pages. Answer: Each keyword phrase performs

SEO Tip #13 – Article Marketing

Here’s a tip if you are looking for easy ways to build descriptive link reputation, gain new visitors and traffic that is 100% white hat. Article Marketing Article Marketing the correct way it should be done, has huge advantages over other types of link building because it has full benefit of being seen as 100% white hat, which it

SEO Tip #12 – SEO Keyword phrase in your domain

You don’t have to use your keyword phrase in your domain name. That may be a revelation to some folks, but the keyword phrase in your domain name is just one “piece of the SEO pie,” and an insignificant piece at that. There are over 100 pieces of the pie that go into what makes up the ranking of

SEO Tip #11 – Keyword Research in wordtracker

Here is another tip. This one is not SEO related, but still useful. Here’s a secret that you need to keep in mind for your keyword research. Did you know that you can use negative qualifiers with Wordtracker? For example you can REMOVE certain terms from showing up in your list altogether by placing a (-)hyphen or

Google Local Listing – Got top ranks within 2 days.

I shared this from my experience in google local listing. Last week I was added My working company profile in google local listing. After 2 days i got top rank positions in google local listing for following keywords, 1. Elearning Solutions Chennai 2. Elearning company Chennai 3. Elearning Software Chennai 4. Elearning Application Chennai 5.

Opening for SEO Analyst in Cochin with 0 to 1 year of experience

Job Description Will be responsible for analyzing keyword performance and conduct extensive keyword research, optimizing web pages, web statistics and analytic tools, directory submission, forum postings, link building, blog promotion etc. Good English Communication skills Good understanding of search engine trends & traffic analysis Ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously Internet Savvy Company SBL

SEO Tip #10 – Content freshness

Remember that you can get much more relevancy for “content freshness” than you may expect. Content freshness: Don’t just dump a bunch of new content on your Web site, but consistently add new articles or content on a regular basis. Watch how the search engine robots behave when you start doing this consistently.

SEO tips #7 – CSS Helps to SEO Works

An understanding of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) can help you with a number of SEO work-arounds to meet challenges with complicated design issues. W3Schools provides an excellent CSS tutorial free of charge, complete with a lot of examples and quizzes.

Opening for Internet Marketing Executive (SEO / SEM) / Webmaster in Navi Mumbai with experience of 1 – 2 years

Job Description Executing overall SEO strategy (on page & off page), Affiliate Marketing Website management, One way link building, Article submission, Directory submission, Search engine submissions, PR Submissions, Blog Creation, Posting & Promotion and Forum Posting . Managing products on the website. Responsible for website traffic. Preparation of reports. Desired  Profile Excellent knowledge of all

SEO Tip #6 – How fast do your pages load?

How fast do your pages load? Did you know that if your page loads too slow, you could be determining some search engine robots from crawling your Web site? Try and ensure your page loads within under 30 seconds (or even faster.) If your graphics are too bulky, check out a service called to accelerate

SEO Consultant - Abdul Malick

SEO SearchCamp 2009 at Chennai, India by Abdul Malick

Here is another experience on SEO SearchCamp 2009 at Tidel Park, Chennai. Search camp is a two day event where the people from search engine marketing space can talk about search engine advertising, including optimization and marketing issues. The auditorium were mixed up with entrepreneurs, marketing managers, agency based Search Engine Marketers, organic search optimization

India Search Masters 2009 at Google

This is Abdul Malick, working as a Senior SEO analyst in Agriya Infoway Pvt Ltd. Recently, I was attended the Google India Search Masters Conference 2009 on 28th February at Bangalore, Karnataka, India. It was a excellent opportunity to interact with members of the Indian webmaster community and Google People. The audiences were mix of