content writing

SEO Tips # 229 – Content Creation in SEO

In your last or current project, are you creating content that your visitor will be GLAD that they found? It’s good to examine our own work from time to time. Give it some thought and be brutally honest with yourself. Are you creating that immediately assists in filling a specific search for information. Content of true merit. Something useful.

SEO Tips # 218 – Content Writing

I believe that often when we write fresh new content, our thoughts creatively continue to “work” as the old expression suggests…as we “sleep on it.” This applies especially to creative writing or even just copywriting in general. Try working on two or three different projects over a period of a few days. Don’t be in a big rush

SEO Tips # 213 – Content Freshness

Remember that content freshness work two ways: Your content needs to be fresh for your visitors or you’re not giving them a reason to come back. Your content also needs to be fresh for the search engines. If the search engines see that you’re refreshing your content every day or several times a week, the

SEO Tips # 201 – Adding the new content

Remember the ultimate way to add new content, articles and focused information is on a regular, consistent basis. For example rather than dumping 8 new articles on your site all at once, try to publish them in cycles of one new article each week or even one new article every two or three days. Make

SEO Tips # 193 – Time is your Friend

If you are in the midst of creating a new article or content for your Web site, remember that time is your friend. Don’t be in a rush but take your time to release your finished work over at least 48 hours or longer. Our thoughts creatively continue as the old expression suggests… as we

SEO Tips # 183 – Web Content

What type of content are you adding to your Web site? Your Web content needs to be good to high quality content that is well-written and engaging. We talk a lot about the richness and value of you providing useful content that hold high-interest for your audience of visitors. Tip: Remember the power of using nostalgia where appropriate.

SEO Tips # 169 – Content Relevancy

Did you know Google is literally rewarding well-written content the benefit of “true relevancy.” All I mean to say here, is that just by becoming a better “writer”  and creating higher quality content, you can benefit from certain elements that are at work behind the scenes. Strive to prepare better content for your visitors and

SEO Tips # 166 – Value of Content

When is the last time you stepped up the value of your content? Give it some thought. Far too often we are thinking only of those search engine spiders. The good news is that fresh new content that is created to be of value for your readers, also makes EXCELLENT “spider food.” Do a little

SEO Tips # 147 – Create the Content for Visitors

Create content that will meet your visitor’s exact search query and satisfy it. When optimizing a page for a specific phrase, think about why an searcher might be using that specific phrase. If you are optimizing an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page, are you truly delivering your MOST frequently asked questions? What do you think the background circumstances might be

SEO Tips # 146 – How to Create the Content on Web Page

Today’s tip is actually the first in a series to get you to stop and think about the value of the content that you create for your Website. Create content that serves your customer’s needs FIRST and your own needs second. Far too often, our focus is so narrowly limited to just our own objectives for a Web

SEO Tips # 120 – Customer Focused Content

Write customer focused content that appeals to your audience. Remember that your Web site should be focused on your audience first and appeal specifically to a niche interest. When writing your Web copy, you need to dialogue in an appropriate tone and format for the right audience. Some of the most interesting content will have

SEO Tips # 108 – Article Writing and Marketing

Chances are, if you have ever done any article marketing you already know the power of submitting a well written article to a niche or very topic focused directory geared to a specific purpose. For example, one of my personal favorites is that of Evan Carmichael’s site which is focused specifically on the area of business entrepreneurs. This site

SEO Tips # 90 – Writing the Content

If you write your content so that it naturally “reads very well,” you will naturally earn some bonus for having created quality content. That I mean content…that reads well to a human being. Use moderation in everything you do. One of the things you need to understand is that “theme based” search engines like Google, are actually using a

SEO Tips # 84 – Value of Unique Content in SEO

Do you understand that there is a difference between creating “unique content” and creating “high quality useful content.” Just because your content is “unique” does not mean that it may be particularly “useful.” Make it your goal to serve up useful content that actual engages the reader and satisfies their “original search.” Read this excellent

SEO Tips # 75 – SEO Performance

When performing SEO – Focus on writing for the human reader first and search engines second. While search engine optimization is important to your visibility, try writing your content first. Most people don’t write their best content when trying to optimize AND create content at the same time. Yet we continually see people trying to do this. We

SEO Tips # 74 – Content Writing

Write customer focused content that appeals to your audience. Remember that your Web site should be focused on your audience first and appeal specifically to a niche interest. When writing your Web copy, you need to dialogue in an appropriate tone and format for the right audience. Some of the most interesting content will have

SEO Tips # 70 – Content Freshness and RSS Feed

“Content freshness” refers to how often your Web content gets updated. To put it simply, the more often you add new content to your Web site, you are feeding your visitors new information. But you are also feeding the search engines new information. The effect of updating your content will have an impact on several things such as:

SEO Tips #56 – SEO Importance for Contents

In your last or current project, are you creating content that your visitor will be GLAD that they found? It’s good to examine our own work from time to time. Give it some thought and be brutally honest with yourself. Are you creating that immediately assists in filling a specific search for information. -Content of true merit. -Something useful.